I developed a set of toolkits for doing research using Unity. They are easy to integrate into any existed project.
**Monte Carlo Markov Chain Optimizer now is available.**

- UIEC provides you with a set of high-level components to manger the animation. It defines the life cycles of the animations. It allows you to define how to run the animation cells
- Any object can be the listener or/and invoker.

- Everything can be pooled: Not limited to prefabs, scene objects can even be pooled at runtime.
- Although the free version can already meet most of the needs, if you need advanced features and better performance management, please try the Pro version.

- Essentially, it is a tool that bridges Unity and Python.
- Unlike the first generation, this update applies multi-threading and asynchronous calling features, which makes UPyhon2 supports running multiple independent Python programs simultaneously.

- This tool helps to manage a flexible and user-customized data structure database.
- This tool contains a rich set of APIs to help you read/write the most Unity C# primary data type. You can also easily extend the basic APIs to write your extension APIs to read and write any data type. More, this tool also supports the read/write the database from/into a file.
- This tool can manage multiple databases at the same time. You can use different databases in combination to meet your needs.
- CSV Manager upgraded from CSV Reader.
- CSV Manager can handle multiply CSV tables at the same time. It supports reading a CSV file from HD, creating your CSV table by C#, and output it to a CSV file to HD.